Monday, November 13, 2006

German singers and Sherry

Opened the mailbox after work on Friday and I was in luck. One of two packages I have been expecting had arrived-the latest Barbara Morgenstern album "Grass is Always Greener." I had thought I might have to wait until this week due to Veteran's day but I was in luck. As with all her albums, it's great. Much more upbeat than "fjorden" or "nichts muss," but that seemed obvious from the single "The Operator." One surprising aspect of it was that it had less of a focus on electronic backdrops to her songs and more focus other instrumentation especially piano. This may be due to her producing it without the aid of Stephen Betke or Thomas Fehlmann, especially "fjorden" which had the unmistakable POLE sound.

definitely a good purchase and worth checking out if you like techno pop. Now all I need is for the Datarock album to finally show up.

My other big pursuit this weekend was for a good glass or bottle of sherry. I tried at Fugaise when L and I stopped in for a cheese plate and some creme brulee, but alas no Sherry. Though I did have a fabulous dessert wine from the cognac area that was very reminiscent of the nutty, caramel flavor of the sweeter sherries. Went to the liquor store in pursuit as well only to realize that I didn't know enough to be able to purchase from the wide assortment they carried. This was good though as I was able to do a little reading the "The Wine Bible" and learned that I most likely am looking for an Amontillado or Oloroso.

I will attempt to put this knowledge to good use this week when I go to pick up some Beaujolais Nouveau for Thanksgiving dinner, which I find to be a great Thanksgiving option because it is seasonal, lighter, and fruitier. I find it to be a good match with dinner and to go over better with the relatives that tend to be tentative about their wines.

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