Sunday, July 29, 2007

Last week on the bike

Despite the heat I was able to get a decent amount of miles in last week.

Tuesday I tried to go pretty hard after work and was just blown by the heat. I made it up the hill on Ridgeway Pkwy and was just gasping for breath-not good.

I was rained out on Thu when I attempted to go on the Googly Moogly TCBC ride, but finally completed a TCBC ride Sunday when I went on the NE Whirl. Considering it left from a parking lot less than a half mile from my house how could I miss it? It turned out to be a similar route to one I have ridden many times going up Victory Memorial to Theo Wirth and then the greenway. I met a couple very congenial riders and had a very good time. Since I have done the route many before and I may not ride it again but I was glad I went.

In other bike news my single speed arrived on Thu and I am in the process of getting it set up. I need to pick up a freewheel for the flip-flop hub and do some other fine tuning but it should hopefully be ready to go this week though I am not sure if I will get many miles this week as I travel to NYC on THU and I may have a minor groin pull that coupled with the heat may keep me off the bike this week. Boo!!

Last week - 73
Season Total - 935

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